November 2020: Vote Hillary Ronen for District 9 Supervisor


District 9, representing Bernal and the Mission District, is among San Francisco’s more progressive districts, and Hillary Ronen represents it well. 

Her focus as a Supervisor has largely been on women’s and immigrants’ issues, along with the affordable housing and homelessness crises that have gripped her district for over a decade. She’s helped to build or stabilize close to 1,400 units of affordable housing in the district and has advocated for new height and density increases to enable more affordable housing. She’s been outspoken on the need to compassionately address the issues of homelessness that plague our City, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. 

She’s been a consistently strong vote on environmental issues, especially as they relate to District 9, such as championing red bus-only lanes on Mission St. and her vocal support of protected bike lanes throughout the District. As one of the supervisors who voted to freeze MUNI’s fare increase, however, Supervisor Ronen must work to identify and secure alternate funding for MUNI maintenance and operations. (See the District 5 post for details.)

She has been a leader in meeting the challenges posed by the pandemic, and we look forward to her continued leadership as we rebuild a cleaner, greener, City in the years that follow.

Vote Hillary Ronen for District 9 Supervisor this November!

[Ed note: Read Hillary Ronen’s answers to our candidate questionnaire here.}