November 2022: Vote No on Prop I to Protect Car-Free JFK

Campaign logo with red, white, and yellow text against a black background. Text says: "No on I; Stop the $80 Million Boondoggle. Expensive. Unsafe. Irresponsible."

Proposition I would overturn the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program and reopen JFK Drive to motor vehicles. The initiative would overturn a consensus measure that created a permanent safe open space for people of all ages and abilities. Prior to the closure, 75% of trips on JFK were taken through, not to, the park. As a result, JFK Drive landed on the city’s Vision Zero High Injury Network among the 13% of city streets responsible for 75% of severe and fatal traffic collisions.

Prop I was primarily funded by Dede Wilsey, the Dow Chemical heiress and Fine Arts Museums trustee who wrote a $200,000 check to gather signatures to place the measure on the ballot.

Prop I would also negatively impact the Great Highway in several ways by:

  • Overturning the current Great Highway compromise, which provides for use of the roadway by cars Monday through Friday and safe, protected use by people on the weekends;

  • Requiring the City to reverse course on the Ocean Beach Climate Adaptation Plan, which was adopted by the City to protect our main wastewater treatment plant; and 

  • Requiring the City to rebuild the Great Highway Extension—a road that is at risk from coastal erosion. This change will cost millions and force all San Franciscans to pay to maintain an obsolete bypass road that is being lost to rising sea levels.

Prop I attempts to reverse a climate-positive approach for San Francisco. SFLCV urges a no vote on Prop I.